September 6, 1942

My Darling,

I’m really sorry you didn’t make it, but maybe it’s best this way. I hope you will have a chance to go to pilot school if that is what you want. It’s too bad that they didn’t let you in the beginning but what you have learned already will probably be a great help to you.

Booker showed me a picture of you the other day, honey. It was a swell picture he let me keep it for a while have too. If you have anymore I insist you would send me one.

I didn’t know where my address will be when you write again. My falties are moving to Newport News and I’ll have to board an quit my job. Buy I’ve already made up my mind about that. I’m almost sure that I can stay with Uncle George. He lives at 3004 Edgrward Avenue. If you can answer right back, please do but If you can’t I’ll let you know where I’m staying. We will probably be here until the 15th any way.

Well tomorrow is a holiday and that just suits me fine. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley went to the country over the week end so Jean and Ann have invited Charlotte and I up to dinner tomorrow. Jean is doing the cooking so if you don’t hear from me anymore, you’ll know what happened. She asked me this morning how to stew tomatoes and of course I didn’t know.

You’ve heard me speak of Mary Beth. Well she has a little baby now. It is in a incubator at the Johnston Willis Hospital. They had three of us at the hospital testing our blood for transfusion but mine was the wrong type. They drew a pint of mamma’s blood though but they didn’t have to use it.

She is getting along fine now and so is the baby.

Well I believe that just about covers the news.

It’s time for dinner now. Please write soon if you can and lots of love my darling.



P.S. Ryssel and Florence send their love and best wishes. Russel insists on reading my letter but I’m not going to let him.