August 24, 1944

Darling Lady,


Gee whiz- moving has caused a disruption of the mail service or at least a delay for now it will take a day or more to reroute what has gone to the old post. Thus I am at odds ends and anxiously awaiting word from my beloved. It will get here though even if it does come in gobs and then blank spaces. We seem to always complaining about the mail don’t we honey. Not really complaining though just observing for it does from a very important place in our lives this way. Word from my darling sets me up no end.

            With little mail I really have very little to talk about honey. We are what you might call settled in a routine again with the fuss and bustle of moving over once again. It’s the same old story as far as my actions are concerned. The movies and reading in the evenings after work. I haven’t seen anything good in particular to advise you to see or have I read a really good book. I have been reading these two bit paper books of short stories and reprints of good books.

            The war news sure looks good lately but I get very disgusted with the news releases and the method of landing war reports. One day they report a big victory or the capture of Paris and then the next they try to explain that it is not quite accomplished but will be soon. In the final analysis it takes a couple of more weeks to get the job done. I like the way the Russians do it. They wait till the event is accomplished and then report it and then you know it is a fact and can count on it. I think that this other way is stupid and upsets the public and undermines their confidence in the long run. I know it does mine for I sure accept with reserve the early reports. Anyway it is going forward with great dispatch and darling maybe within another year you and I and everyone else can look forward to some kind of normal existence. It is really hard to contemplate isn’t it dear? It has been so long that looking back on the proper way of life seems an eternity ago. However I think that everyone is really going o appreciate it when it does return at least for a while until human nature takes a hand and memories get short again. The guys that have been away though are not likely to have very short memories I can assure you.

            I am wondering if you are in the great and good city of Ft. Worth next to that village of Dallas by this time though I did know that you expected company which might keep you from going. Not a very good time of year for visiting is it? The hot spot is in September though I hope that you are spared that this year due to your recent siege. If you are don’t forget to write your one and only.

            This is a mighty puck letter my sweet but the important thing is that I love you my dearest and wanted to tell you so and have a chat with you. Much much love to you and Adios till later.

