I Nov I944


Darling Lady,


            I am sitting here sweating it out like no ones business and awaiting the word on my fate. Everyone has released me but the big boss who is away and they have radioed him for concurrence. If he gives the word I will be on my way pronto to Miami. Everyone seems to think that he will and I should know today although it may be a day or so. I have no idea what the assignment will be for the orders did not say except to send me back to there if they concurred here. I hope above hope that this works. I of course will call you from Miami the minute I get in. There should be twenty one days leave involved for that is the policy. Now don’t take this as a sure thing yet but it looks very good from here. You have no idea how excited and nervous I am awaiting the final answer. I supposed that you will be also and maybe I should not have told you yet. If it comes thru I should call you in four or five days.


            One of the letters I have just received had been sent astray and I got it after ten days. Better late than never eh? There where a couple of others later however. I agree with your deductions if you recall to a more or less extent and think I know the reason why. It is not serious and is to be expected occasionally in the course of events. One cannot hit a home run every time at bat. A guy can try though.


            My neck that I told you I hurt is back in shape though still sore as the devil. I guess that I ill have to lay off sports for a couple of weeks for I do not want to go thru that gain. I bet you get tired of hearing of my aches and pains. Gosh I never had them before and I will probably not again for a long time but it is the type of news available now.


            I can’t believe that I may have a chance to enjoy some of that fall weather there in Texas. Darling I am atwitter. Someone is going to have to catch me when I faint if this does not go thru. The thought of seeing and being with you again has no little bit to do with it of course. Maybe we get a little bird shooting in together and of course the on toast part following. Boy oh boy.


            I and all my love to you darling wife and hope above everything that I will be seeing you very shortly. I will advise you one way or the other as soon as I can. My love and devotion to you dearest.

