Friday Evening

[March 6, 1942]


            I am going to place this letter with the one I wrote this afternoon. How are you, dear? What all did you do this evening, sweetheart? I love you, dear with all my heart. Honey, I came home about a half hour ago.  Took my bath and I feel better. I’m very tired. Honey, if you were here now, I’d be with you where we can be by ourselves, me in your arms held close to you, so close, sweetheart that you could hear my heart beat. Darling, someday it will happen and it will be soon.

            Honey, when we two are together we can’t help loving each other so much. I know how you feel for I feel the same way.  I want you to take me into your arms and love and love me. Oh, if it could only be so now. Everything would be fine, wouldn’t it, dear?

            Honey, II had a dream last night about us. I dreamt that you were to see me at one o’clock and I waited for you. You never came.  That’s only a dream.  I love you and love you, Nick honey, with all my heart!

            Nick honey, I’m closing now for it is very late.  I’ll write again tomorrow. Sending all my love and kisses to you and only you. May God Bless you, honey.  Take care of yourself, honey. 


Sovereignly Yours,


Honey, I love you.