April 15, 1943

Thursday Evening


My Darling Nick:


            A letter this evening, dear, and I’ve read it over and over. You know, dear, your letter inspired me this evening to ironing. I had the most things to press.


            How are you this evening, dear? I’m find, dear, and only waiting for next week. Honey, let’s keep our fingers crossed. Oh, I’ll pray ever so hard, dear, so everything will come out true. I’ll meet you in Balto., dear, in the evening as you say. The sooner you can get here, the better it is for us. One extra night together, dear, will be lovely.


            Ann was over this evening with the baby. Honey, the baby is so cute.


            I’m here alone, honey. Ests is out tonight.


            Honey, I want to tell you something. I love you, darling Nick, ever and ever so much. I miss you, too, honey, for I love you with all my heart.


            I paid my state tax, honey, it mounted to $2.10. I paid by check.


            Honey, I have a lovely blue nightgown with a blue sleeping jacket. I ordered it from the Px and it came today.


            Yes, it was nice to hear you, dear, over the phone.


            Honey, I can come here on the 6:20 bus and wait for you in Balto. Hurry and come [soon] so I can be with my husband. So hard to wait, honey, for I want to be with you. I love you, honey, very much.


            Goodnight now, honey. Take good care of yourself, dear, for I love you. I send all of my love and my kisses to you, honey. May God Bless You, always, dear.





                                                                                                Lovingly yours,
