Tuesday Morning
Dearest Mother,
Well today’s the big day. All I can say is to hope for
the best and what is to be will be.
Nothing very exciting has happened here. Tom is still working hard.
Sunday we splurged and went to
Tom and his dad are going to the Carolina-Duke football
game. I guess you know how thrilled he
is at that. Tom’s mother is going to
stay with me.
How are you?
Well, I hope, and I hope the rest of the family is OK too. Tom’s number
was the 3222 called. Do you think he'll
be called in the 1st draft?
I feel dopy as the dickens today.
I can see where I don't get much work done. I could just sleep and
sleep. I guess it's the weather. I really feel fine physically. I'm about the size of two houses now. Ain't that something? Marge said that the dance was going to be
November 23 and that they sure would miss us but that I shouldn't feel bad because
she said she'd give anything to be in the same position and condition as I. I
wish she would find a nice boy.
Well sweets, be good
and take good care of yourself and Daddy and Matt. Give them my love and
everybody a big kiss.
XXX Love,
Mary Anne