Sun. P.M.


Dearest Mother and Dad.

                        I guess by now you must have thought that I had forgotten where home is, but not by a long shot, it’s just that I have been a very busy lad and it looks like its going to stay that way for a long time.

                        There sure have been a lot of things happen to me this week.   I’ll try to tell you all.  To begin with Thursday.  I had two wisdom teeth yanked.  Sort of sudden, no warning or anything, it was all over in about twenty minutes.  Didn’t bother me much except a little Thursday night. Feeling fine now.

                        Well they gave me a gun, a nice big Remington and now I’m spending two hours a day learning how to use it, manual of arms etc.  All that plus my regular work keeps me very busy.  Along with that we have had inspection everyday this week and that means lots of work every night getting ready for that.

                        At last I got me a rating not much but it’s a start. I am now what is known as a P.F.C. Private First Class.  It adds six more bucks per month to my pay. I had a chance to go to Patterson Field Ohio as a Corporal last week but when I investigated it, it didn’t look so good so I turned it down, but not until I had spoken to the Adjutant about it. He was the one who told me that it wasn’t quite what it was cracked up to be.

                        I have taken up Squash, and like it a lot.  Of course I haven’t had much time to play but have managed to get in four or five games.  That along with my drilling should get me in first class shape before long. 

                        We have to wear our steel helmets all the time now.  I’m beginning to get used to it.  They sure are making up for lost time.

                        I’m going to send some money home very soon so mother can start on the silver.  I’m waiting for my ration check.

                        That’s about all for now, so remember I’m thinking about you all and wish I could out to see you but that isn’t likely for awhile yet.  I haven’t had a pass since I was home last.  Not even off the post once.  I intend to get one for an evening soon if this work lets up.

                        So long for now and give my love to all.

                                                                                    Love & Kisses
