Dec 4, 1944

Dear Dot and Dana-

            I just got through eating dinner and it was pretty good today.  I didn’t write yesterday as it was Sunday and I slept most of the day.  They gave all of us the day off, in fact they give us every Sunday off when it is possible. 

            I suppose by the time you get this letter that Dana will have his Christmas tree up and decorated or will have within a few days.  Gee, Dot I would give a lot to be home on Christmas day.  I know we will have a nice dinner but the food don’t taste the same as we get at home.  My pen just ran out of ink and I had to sharpen my pencil and it made me remember that you said Dana’s grandfather had bought him a jack knife.  Now for God’s sake make him be careful with it and don’t let him take it out around the other kids.  I can remember when I was a kid I got some pretty bad cuts with a knife. 

            Have you still got that little dog that you had last summer?

            I didn’t think much of you putting my picture in the paper, I thought it looked like Hell.

            I sent you and Dana each a money order the other day, so let me know if you get it OK.  And Dana you had better keep your eyes open for a little penny for us to buy when I get home.  You should be big enough by then to take care of it all by yourself.

            Still no more mail, we could have been getting mail every day if they hadn’t got fouled up someplace. 

            Well Dot, I must run along now.  Be good and take good care of yourself and Dana.

                                                                        Love and Kisses,
