Tuesday evening

December 21, 1943


Dear Folks:

            I may have a little news for you in this letter. This Friday I think I am going into town until Monday evening. It is the first time I am getting into town since we arrived in November.

            Of course I would have been able to get into town before this but I decided to wait. Now seems to be a good time to go in as there is lots doing over the holidays. As usual I think I will spend my daytime going to the movies and the evening going to the Palladium or the Hollywood Canteen. Mabye I will take in a few broadcasts too over C.B.S. or N.B.C. Both networks have big broadcasting studios where an audience can sit in for the show. They just are like the studios in New York.

            While I am in town I will try to give you a call on the phone. The lines will probably be busy on Christmas Day but I will make a try anyhow. It will be about noon here when I call and about 3 or 4 in Paterson. In the even I cannot put the call in on Saturday, I will try again on Sunday.

            Miss Murphy’s package arrived this morning and it was swell. There was a lot of candy in it and you know how I like that. Tell her thanks will you. I enjoyed the package very much.

            I was out in the field again today on a survey problem. We were out till quite late and it was dark before we pulled in camp again. We should be finished with the survey some day this week- it is taking a long time because we have to be especially accurate. You see our answer is being taken as the right one and the survey done by the battalions compared with the group survey for accuracy. That means we have to have the right answer or else.

            Well it is a little chilly today and I want to crawl into my sleeping bag. I hope to be speaking to you on Christmas Day or the 26th at least. Goodby for now.
