Sgt. Joseph W. Hand, 32602518
Hq. 228th HQ Group
March 1, 1944
Dear Folks,
It is just about 9:30 p.m. now and I’m just getting ready for bed. Tonight I went over to the day room and listened to the radio and read some magazines. I also had my hair cut, a pretty good job for 1 and 6. That is how the English money is expressed- it means 1 shilling and 6 pence, about 30 cents in American money. There was some good recordings on the radio tonight and I sure enjoyed listening. It reminded me of Master Bloch and the good old Make-Believes Ballroom.
I also had my daily coffee and biscuits today, a regular institution with me now. I usually drop in every day and have my little snack.
Yesterday I received Dad’s letter of the 21st and it was good to hear all of you are well. In reply to Dad’s inquiry about razor blades, I of course could use some of them although I have enough to get by with. Candy, soap and toothpaste I would like to get very much. There isn’t much else I can think of now- I’ll ask you if anything else comes up.
(See Page 2)