March 8, 1944

Dear Folks:

            Today was another good day as far as the receiving of mail was concerned. Three letters one from Ma, one from Dad and one from good old Bill Walton. Ma’s letter wad dated 27th of Feb. Bill’s the 11th of Feb. and another from Helen that I forgot to mention on the 12th of Feb. I got the one containing the Income Tax Blank that Dad figured out for me. I have enclosed that in this same letter and you can take care of it from here on in. Thanks a lot Dad, it sure was good news to hear that I was getting all of that money back. I owe you something for taking care of it fro me, so why don’t you buy yourself something out of the money when it comes?

            The news about Walt Mored was quite a shock to me. I knew him very well and he was just as nice a fellow as Charlie. You all know how Swell Walt was just the same type and Charlie thought the same about him as I do about Tom. Walt was always very nice to me and it is hard to think of him as gone. All I can do for him now is pray and you can be certain that I will remember him tonight. It was very thoughtful of you to have that Mass said for him and I know his parents will be grateful.

            I am going to write Charlie a letter as soon as I finish this and express my sympathy. As you said he probably already knows the bad news so it will be all right to drop him a line. He and I still write to each other regularly and so keep in touch with other. I wrote him about a week ago so I should be hearing from him shortly.

            I was glad to hear that John Walton got home finally- he had been down in the South Pacific for a very long while and deserved to get home after all that service.  I bet he was glad to see the old town again especially after seeing nothing but jungle for two ears or more. It is too bad that Bill missed him when he was home but that is the way things go. Perhaps he will see him in California, if that is where John is going when his furlough is up. I did manage to get my ashes for Ash Wednesday even though I was a little late. We didn’t have any services on Ash Wednesday but the priest gave the ashes out after Mass the following Sunday. So I did get them and started out the Lenten Season properly. This coming Sunday I am going to go to confession and Communion and so take care of my Easter Duty.

            I’ll bet you did look nice with that new dress Ma and I would have liked to have seen you. I may be a little prejudiced but I think my mother is a very good looking lady. Lots of other people seem to think so as well. Not only that but I am proud of you for going out and doing your share in this war. You had plenty o do with the house and everything but you still went out and showed up a lot of people much younger. God bless you Ma.

            Now for a little news about myself. I had a chance to visit Dorchester and had a good time. These English towns are very interesting even though the boys seem o think they are dull. There aren’t very many places to go in the towns but I just enjoy walking around the funny narrow streets and looking at all the little stores and the homes of the people. Everything in England seems to be tiny, and built pint-size. I like the place and feel right at home over here. We are still eating plenty of good food and I am having my share of I t. Everything else is fine and I never felt better in all my life.

            As I said before I could use some soap, toothpaste and candy if you want to send me something. They are the hardest things to get over here.

                                                                        Goodbye for now and all my love,
