January 1st 1946


            This is what we had for Christmas.

            Thanks for your letter- your description of Denny’s antics really give me a thrill.  I too have given Denny his bath occasionally and he always enjoys himself.

            Hope you are enjoying your work over at Wrights.  Are most of the slavicmen back there now?

            This is New Years Day- I spent my New Years Eve night here on the ship.  Those that were uptown say that they were charging $1.85 and $2.00 for a seat in a third run* movie house here.  They really “take you” out here if you let them.

            We are at Hunter’s Point, south [word missing] of S.F.   It is a big Navy day dock.  The strikers are still at it in the [word missing] shipyards.  This yard is Civil Service so they can’t strike against Uncle Sam himself.  Write again soon.  Thanks for all your mail.
