September 29, 1942

Sunday Evening


            Well my darling how are you feeling today? I hope that you are fine. I am alright only I sure wish I could see you. You have no idea how lonely I am for you. 

            Sweetheart I suppose you thought I wasn’t going to write didn’t you? I am really sorry about not writing honey but I just could not help it. But I will try to do better from now on.

            We have been on a weeks maneuvers. Left Sunday last week and just got back yesterday. So you see why I haven’t been able to write. We are going out again Tuesday or Wednesday. I don’t know for how long yet. We went way down into Mexico last week. I put out rations drove about 2000 miles while we were gone. I don’t know where we will go next week.

            Janie, I have to have a certificate of marriage for the finance office in relation to your allotment. They have to have it so that they have proof that we are married. Sounds silly to me but that is what they said. So here’s what to do. Take our marriage license to a notary public (or have dad or mother take it) and have him sign a notarized statement to the fact that we were married. Be sure and do that and send it to me as soon as possible so I can turn it in.

            Let me know if you get any of your money the first of October. Also honey I won’t get any money at all until the first of November so I will need a little. The thirty- five dollars I was supposed to get will be added on the pay roll and I will get it when I get paid in November. I don’t know when I will get my ration money and I haven’t a penny. Haven’t had any since I got back but I kept thinking I would get some money but I haven’t so far.

            Did Dad ever get the car fixed? Let me know if he did and what was wrong with it other than what I knew.

            Everything here is about the same. It’s a little cooler than before I was home. The nights are really cold. One night the temperature got down to about 50.  The wind still blows and the dust still bothers us. Don’t know when we will leave here. No one seems to know a thing about it at all. We were supposed to be leaving now but it doesn’t look like we are.

            Sweet by the time you get this letter the baby may have already been born. If it has sweet you know I am with you all the time. I think about you constantly and even though we are apart sweet we will always be together.

            Will close now my darling but I will be near you in my heart always, and be praying for you and the baby.

            All my love to you.

My precious wife



Just received your letter of Thursday. Am so thrilled that the baby is here that I hardly know what to say.  See but I wish I could see her. Write and tell me all about her when she was born how much she weighs and everything, gosh honey I am so glad.  I feel like shouting, think I will. I did, I didn’t get a big letter or whatever was sent before your letter of Thursday. Let me know everything and sweet take care of yourself and get well soon and maybe I will see you before long.

            All my love darling to you and Ann—tell her her dad says hello and give her a kiss for me.

Faithfully yours, Papa