Herald March 19, 1944


Dear Mom,

            Just a [few] lines to let you know that I am way out here in Oregon. The place is called Redmond. It is a town of about 2000 population, so they say, but I want to tell you the town is very small, why you can walk through it in 5 minutes. This sure is a god forsaken neck of the world.  However the scenery is pretty. This place lies in the mountains and there are forests of Pine and Redwood trees that surround the field. The field is small and there is a personnel of only 450 men.  You can make a comparison for yourself. Lowry Field has a personnel of over 50,000 Enlisted men and civilians. I am going start to work on the line tomorrow as an Armorer. I don’t know how long I will be here, but I heard we would be here for 2 months anyway.

            The weather here is cold in fact it was snowing this morning. We arrived here last night. The train took us as far as a town named Klamath Fallo, from there we took a bus and rode for 5 hours. This place is 200 mile from Porthand Oregon, but I don’t know in what direction. I didn’t stay in California long enough to enjoy the sunshine did I? Oh, well, I hope this mess will be over before another winter sets in.

            I went to church in town today, a Baptist Church. It was very small, they only had about 10 benches, 5 on each side, and of course some chairs. The total attendance last Sunday was 102 that included the whole day. You might tell Marie that, I think she would like to know also.

            I don’t anything to write about, Mom so I guess I’ll close, hoping all at home are feeling fine including you course, honey. Will you say hello to Pop, Marg, Girlie Hun, Harv, and Bud. For me? So long for now Mom, will write you later.


Love you all

Your son
