The Training of A German Soldier During the
Second World War
After the Germans lost World War I,
the Treaty of
After Hitler gained control, he set
forth many changes among the people of
At ten years of age, German boys
entered the “Deutsches Jungvolk”
(German Young People), a younger sort of Hitler Youth. At fourteen, they would transfer to the
Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth), until they were
eighteen when they would be drafted in to the army. German girls would enter the Jungmadelbund (League of Young Girls) at ten, then transfer
to the Bund Deutscher Madel
(League of German Girls) once they turned fourteen where they were taught
mostly how to be a good mother.
The Hitler Youth program was based
on anti-intellectualism. Outdoor,
physical activities took priority over mental development, for obedience and
strength was valued more. The boys were
taught the evils of the Jews, and nationalism, and the bitterness from the
veterans of World War I was carried on to the next generation. Some adults, if now asked, say the Hitler
Youth was similar to boy scouts, some say it was harder and more intense than
that, however, over all, the boys were all taught skills that both directly or
indirectly coincided with fighting in the German Army.
Heinz Briegel was born January 21, 1928 in Stuttgart,
My name is Heinz Briegel, I was born in
Where did you live during the Hitler Era?
The Hitler era covers
the time period from 1933 until 1945.
And I was in
At that time, when you were five, did you feel any
effects of Hitler coming to power?
No, what I do know is
when Hitler came to power in 1933, my father was unemployed for about a year
and half, he was an electrician. After
he came to power, jobs started to pick up again. It was one of the things that he was talking
about. The unemployment in
Which would cause inflation, wouldn’t it?
Right! In 1923 prices were going up all the
time. At that time, one dollar could buy
quadrillions of German marks. So if you
wanted to buy a newspaper, you had to pay 200 billion for one newspaper. Things were not worth anything anymore! People were getting paid twice a day and then
the wives were going to the factory gates to get the pay and run to the stores
to buy whatever they could get because prices kept going up constantly.
Well that was in 1923
so it still took quite a long time. The
name of the party is the National Socialist German Workers Party. The way national is pronounced in German is nazional. And that’s
where the term nazi comes from.
So for you, nothing personal changed from when you were
five until you were ten, correct?
At ten I went into
the junior grade of Hitler youth, but also called young folk…or pimpf…but pimpf has such an
awkward sound in English. Now my father
was not in the party, and I think that was because he didn’t want to pay the
dues. He would rather smoke cigarettes
than pay the dues. And my mother was not
in it either.
When you went into the Junior Hitler Youth, were you
required to go, or was it just something you really looked forward to and
wanted to sign up for?
I think I looked forward
to it. All of my friends were in the
group so I didn’t want to be left out.
So, I was happy to join and especially I was happy about wearing the
uniform which consisted of black shorts in the summer and long pants in the
winter and brown shirt and a black kerchief that you put around your neck, and it was held
together by a knot made out of leather that was hollow and you push the ends of
the kerchief in there.
Before you went into the group, did you have any friends
that weren’t allowed to go in?
No, I don’t remember
anybody who did not go in. I think it
was not actually mandatory, if some parents felt very strongly that their boy
should not go into the Hitler youth, I’m sure they could have prevented it, but
I’m sure the boy would have felt bad. As
far as I’m concerned this young Hitler youth was the same as boy scouts. Maybe a little more emphasis on discipline,
learning to march, stand at attention, turn right and left, or about face, all
those commands we had to learn and what to do.
And even how you stand at attention. “Pull in your stomach! Push out your chest! Have your head very rigid!” and your middle
finger had to be pressed on the seam of your pants. And your toes had to be a 60 degrees or
whatever (laughing).
Where was this Junior Hitler Youth?
my hometown. There were various groups. And about 50 guys to each group.
After this you went into the Hitler youth?
That was automatic,
yes. By that time I was already 14. Of course that was already in 1942 and the
war started in 1939, September first.
Do you recall any memories of the prosecution
[persecution] of Jews?
The only thing I
remember is the husband of my father’s sister.
He was Jewish. His name was Eugen Rosenzweig. He was a nice fellow, I had nothing against
him. We didn’t see him often, but I
really don’t know what happened to him.
We didn’t see him anymore. My
aunt had an apartment with him, and he was taken away. But we never asked her about him. I’m not exactly sure when he was taken away.
that odd for you at all?
Well, I wasn’t really
that close to him, or that aunt at that time. I hadn’t seen him that often, but I knew him,
and my parents were somewhat poor. My
father was the youngest one. And this
sister, I think she thought herself better than my father was, so I think they
looked down on us. Same with my father’s
other sister. Her husband had a position
in the party. And they were better off
than we were, so they looked down on us.
Later, after the husband had been taken away, then she lived with my
grandmother. I liked my
grandmother. They lived in an apartment
within five minutes from ours.
Did you have any prejudice against Jewish people? Were you taught a prejudice?
Yes, uh, Jews were
considered to be undesirable, unfriendly, certainly not Germans. That’s what we learned in Hitler youth.
What about when you were growing up as a young kid, before
Hitler youth – were they just other people or were they not desirable still?
No, they were
other people, and I didn’t know whether somebody was Catholic or Jewish or
Muslim. Religion wasn’t really that
important. Although when I started
school in 1936, we started ever day with a Christian prayer. Now, for example, do you know in your class
who is Jewish or what religion they are?
No, not at all. So in your culture, at that point, religion
wasn’t important just like it now it’s not important. Now I’m curious…how did the Nazis know which
kids were Jewish and which were not?
Well everybody
of course had to have identification papers, and on that was
your religion, and certainly the city governments knew what religion you
were. So uh, as I said, the guy in our
class who was Jewish, I didn’t know he was Jewish until his father tried to
commit suicide. Now of course, later on,
during the war, I don’t remember when it started, Jews had to wear that yellow
arm band with the star of David, and then you knew who
was Jewish. I don’t remember
specifically what I was thinking at that time….now I would say, it’s not right.
Now you stayed in the anti aircraft unit until when?
1944 to 1945 so about one year, [when] I was seventeen.
After that where did you go?
I went to the
military training camp in southern
What was your experience in the training camp?
That was really strict,
because they really got us ready to be shipped to the front, so we had to exercise, we had to be ready to fight.
So your family was surviving on their
right. Now my father was drafted into service around
1940 or so. But he didn’t have to do any
fighting. He got to
Your whole class of Hitler youth?
Not my whole
school class. Well, during summer
vacation we had a four week training course in anti aircraft. In my class there were kids born in 1927 and
1928. The ones born in 1927 were kept
with the anti aircraft unit after the training course. The ones born in 1928, which included me,
were sent back to school. We were
drafted at the beginning of 1944.
So you were 16 years old at this point?
Now this was while you were in the Hitler youth?
Yea. Now
of course the Hitler youth, I think we met only twice a week, Wednesdays and
Saturdays and only for about two hours or so.
I think Saturdays were longer because we didn’t have to go to school.
Did you learn how to use a gun?
In Hitler youth?…I think we probably did but we didn’t own a gun. I think there was one gun or so for each unit
and one of the older guys then demonstrated how to take it apart, put it
together again, how to aim and how to shoot.
But we did not carry a gun.
Was it hard work?
No, not really. You had to march and you had to sing, and
play war games. We went camping, had
political and history lessons, certainly to the extent that
How long were you in the Hitler youth?
Only from when I
was fourteen to sixteen, because at sixteen I was drafted into the anti
aircraft unit.
Now what is that [anti aircraft unit]?
That’s shooting
at airplanes. Except the guns that we
had could shoot about 6000 feet, and the planes were coming at us from
25,000…so our guns were useless. I
remember the attack on the Mercedes factory and our unit, our position, was
right across the river up on a hill. So the planes were coming – it was a beautiful day, and about
And then you tried to shoot at them?
No, we didn’t! Because they were at 25,000 feet and our
range was 6000, and I mean we didn’t try to shoot at bombs. That’s too difficult!
Well what did you do?
Watched. And
(laughing) hoped the bombs would not hit our positions…it was only about a mile
or so. It was a little close!
Now your whole class got drafted from school?
Well, instead of
summer vacation, we had that training course.
And then got sent home again, then in January we were drafted.
At this point where did you go?
Why were you given such useless guns then?
No idea. But we still had to remain in our positions.
Now you had a brother, and a younger sister, correct?
What was the role of your younger sister during the war?
Well, they had a
separate unit for girls. They had to
learn how to sew, knit, be good housewives and be good mothers.
At your school, do you remember any other kids taken away?
No, because we
were about half and half, Catholics and Lutherans.
So it was just that Jews weren’t living in your area?
Yes, they were,
as a matter of fact, one of our classmates was Jewish, which I didn’t actually
know, until his father tried to commit suicide. He put a gun in his mouth and
shot it in his mouth, and all he ended up accomplishing is getting blind. So that’s what happened to him, but the other
guys were Catholic or Lutheran, and I think there was more fighting between
them than with Jews.
And you don’t know what happened to him though?
I don’t know
what happened to him, no. I think he was
a fairly decent school kid.