William Gilliam Interview
Louisville, Kentucky
October 2006
I live up in Brumley,
Missouri. I’ve tried to locate the rest of my [tank] crew all these years, and
I didn’t know what had happened to them. When I punched the name in [the computer
for] Lieutenant Moore…he got killed the next day and there was another boy from
Missouri, who pulled me out of it (their tank), and he got killed ten days
later, so that only left one. He wasn’t in the system so I don’t know if he
made it back or not.
Q: When you say pulled me out of it, what happened?
was wounded, you know. I guess a
bazooka hit us. There was one shooting
at us and it blew the turret doors off, and killed another boy that was
standing right by me.
Q: Where were you when that happened?
Belgium. We just started the drive to cut the Bulge in two again and we were
gonna meet some of Patton’s boys coming up from
South. It only lasted about an
hour. So, I left them.
Q: Who was your commanding officer?
Q: Did you have to be evacuated to a hospital?
yeah I came back to the States. I still
have over 2 dozen pieces in my neck and shoulder and I have several, down
in my leg.
Q: Did they give you a medal for that?
Heart, yep. I came back to England, so, let’s see, it was about two months that
I was in the hospital over there. Then
I came back to the States, stayed in the hospital, ‘til, well I was in
hospitals 9 months altogether, and finally they discharged me.
Q: How long were you in Europe before you were
I got over there about the first of April, into England. Then, I didn’t go in on D-Day. Second Armor was in action in North Africa
and Sicily, so they didn’t throw them in on D-Day, but they went in shortly
Q: We always wonder about censorship with letters,
did you have any experience with the censor or having your letters censored?
lieutenant, my tank commander, he censored my mail.
Q: Was he pretty good about it?
he was, he was nice. He was a great
guy. I hated for that to happen to him.
Q: Do you remember the date you were wounded?
of January, ’45.
Q: What did you think about the enemy?
some of it was pretty rough. In
Malmady, that German officer, he just mowed a bunch of them guys down. They were just rear echelon guys, we called
them, and they herded them out in that field and just mowed them all down.
Q: What was it like for you inside a tank?
it was pretty close quarters in there, you had ammunition wrapped
around you, and underneath you, and that’s why most of them burned when they
got hit; course ours didn’t. That
bazooka hit us on top, instead, but they said it burned later, I guess it got
hit again, and then probably after that they repaired it and put it back in
Q: What did you end up doing as a career after the
was a maintenance man for the state highway department. I spent 32 years at
Q: Have you been back over to Europe at all?
[My daughter] and her husband were stationed in Ramstein, Germany.
We went back several years ago and then the country of Holland invited,
I believe it was, 75 disabled veterans from the six divisions that liberated
their country. They picked us up in New
York, took us over, kept us two weeks and brought us back [to the United States].
Q: How did they treat you over there?
loved the Americans, Holland does.
Q: Were you married during the war?
Q: Did you know your wife before you went over to
we went to school together.
Q. Did you write [home] much about your experiences
in Europe?
much to say over there [he laughs]. [His
wife said,] They censored the mail anyway.
Q: When you were in Holland, where did you used to
park your tanks?
sometimes we would park them under large mountains of coal. You would just usually park them in the
streets. It was pretty in Achen. That was the first big city we took going
into Germany. Some of the officers there
said it was worse than D-Day. It took, I don’t know, probably three weeks or
longer. There was a road that went through there, out of Holland, back into
Germany and the Germans were trying to escape back in and we were trying to
keep that road closed off.
Q: So did they have to fight block-to-block and
Q: What role does the artillery play when you’re
trying to take a town?
The artillery played a big part, of course, when you are
fighting house-to-house, we couldn’t use it a lot.
Q: Do the civilians get in the way when you are
trying to take a town?
Yeah, uh, there was a dead German woman laying in the
several days. Some of them, you know,
didn’t get out of the way.
Q: When you think about the war, what do you think
about first? What is strongest in your
Well, I think World War II was a good thing. If we hadn’t
stopped Hitler, he would have took England next.
Q: Does it get hot inside a tank?
it got cold. Ours was powered by two
nine-cylinder radial engines. They were air-cooled; only warm spot you found
was if you could get out and get under the exhaust, or out there at the back
end, you could stand there and get warm. The metal was cold, your feet was
Q: Would you try to sleep in it at night?
Yeah, you had to…I’d smooth out the 30-caliber boxes and
curl up on them, where I slept.
Q: Wow. At least you weren’t wet though, right?
No, always dry. The infantry boys, they had it rough.
Q: Was there a competition at all between the
infantry, or the tank boys, or the artillery?
loved the infantry, when you’d get [your tank] in town, they was our eyes and
ears; they could peep around the corners; if they needed us, they’d always
Q: Did they communicate by radio with you, or did
you use hand gestures?
We could just see them. We couldn’t talk to them on radio.
We could hear our company commander on the radio, and our battalion
commander. He could talk to the fighter pilots; he
could call in.
Q: Did you have to worry much about the German
know, they wasn’t supposed to have an active Air Force, but every night there
would be one out, aggravating us. We had to take our tank maintenance there
after. I think, Christmas Eve, we had a
pretty big fight. We caught a German
convoy out. The gun got to where it operated the big one. If we was one a slope, why it’d just roll
back and we had to take it to maintenance that night. We went to a basement,
while they worked on it and a German plane come over straight from***; the
lieutenant picked up a round straight from the floor when we’d come upstairs
the next morning.
Q: What was your job in the tank?
I was gunner on the big, on the big gun.
Q: Is the big gun hard to aim? Does it take a lot of skill?
it had a periscope, which was graduated; it was really your sight. You could operate it pretty good. It had a handle you could turn; it swang
either way; then I had another [handle] and I could run it up and down.
Well, thank you very much for taking the time to talk to me.
Well, you’re welcome.
Nice talking to ya.