

            I certainly do love you. Always have and always shall. You are the grandest and sweetest most adorable little wife God ever set upon the face of this earth. Now that I have started off well it doesn’t matter if the rest of the letter does turn out uninteresting.

            We finally were able to procure some ice today. The ice plant which is around by a native has been shut down for lack of fuel, for a couple of weeks. Thus we have been without any sort of cold drinks. That ice cold beer will taste good tonight. I bought E. Rice’s beer as he doesn’t care [for] it and split the case with Al Whitehouse so am looking forward to 8 or 10 bottles. We start new rations on the 5th and I surely don’t want to lose any of that beer to that louse Rossiter. He pulls meaner and more crooked tricks on the boys every day. Always favors a certain group. Hell why spoil a letter by talking about that swine.

            Have been carrying your picture around in my wallet, adding to them as I receive a new one in one of your letters. Was looking them over again today and much to my sorrow found that the heat of my body had stuck them all together. Was able to pry all but 3 of them apart without any damage but the 3 were mutilated beyond repair. I got a piece of wax paper and wrapped the good pictures in that so shouldn’t have any more trouble. The pictures I threw away were some of those you had taken in evening gowns. I’m terribly sorry Darling but promise to take better care of your likeness in the future.

            We seem to have lost Nemo our little Indian office boy. He complained of a fever a few days ago so we let him go home. He probably has contracted malaria as it is common among the natives and our boys have been stricken with it too lately. However he might be just faking it as they wall work for a while and then tiring of it either give some excuse to leave work or don’t show up at all. We will sweep up ourselves for awhile and then one day Mills will come wandering in with some other kid her has taken a fancy too.

            We got paid the other day and it sure made me feel good to know another $100 was going home to you. It is nice to be able to save a little as when I get home we are sure going to need money. It is good to take plenty to set us up again, furnishing a home etc. How about giving the old man some statistics? How does our bank account stand? How much do we have in the Co-operative? I figure I must have sent home about $600 to date. Correct? I don’t mean to check up on you Baby for if you have used any of that money it is perfectly alright but just want to know how we are making out and if the allotments are coming home alright.  A terrific rain storm just blew up and when I cay blew I mean just that. The wind came whistling thru the office scattering everything before it. I tried to fix our tent this morning and sure hope it is shedding all this water. They are English tents what they call double fly, in other words there is an inside and an outside tent. If you prop up the outside covering so that there is a space between that and the inside it has more chance of being waterproof. Not very well explained I know but the main thing is here’s hoping the damn tent doesn’t leak after my sweat-soaked efforts.

            Hell Sight of my life I bid you a fond but dampish fare well for today.

                                                                        Give my love to our family

All my love and devotion
