17 Dec. 1944
My Darling,
Seem I must start another letter off by apologizing as I neglected to write to you yesterday, I had intended to write your letter last night as I have been lately but I got entangled in several games of Rummy with Capt. Wally and Al Whitehouse. We were playing with vengeance, cutting each others throats right and left. They are both pretty cagey card players but we ended up even so I was satisfied. We didn’t break it up until the wee hours of the morning though. However to penalize myself for not writing to you I gave up a jaunt in the boat I had intended to take this afternoon and stayed in to write. Now my conscience is some what appeased.
This has been a lazy Sunday so far. I did get up for breakfast at 7:30 A.M. but that was really because I was so cold. After eating and getting warmed up a bit I went right back to the old charpoy and dozed until lunch time. When I had finished lunch I came back to my office and wrote a letter to Mom. Then hoping that the water might have warmed up a little I went over and shaved and took a shower. However I was sadly mistaken as the water was ice cold. Boy did I shiver and shake. When I had rubbed down briskly with a good rough towel I felt good though. At present after dressing in all freshly laundered clothes from the skin out and slicking my hair down I am busily engaged in writing to a very lovely girl, my wife. Remind me to introduce you to her some time.
Hell that paragraph brings about another request. Evidentially the last time I used that Wild-root Cream Oil Hair Tonic you sent to me I must have left it in the wash room. Anything you leave laying around here is gone 2 minutes after you leave it so now I am without any kind of hair oil. This time I barrowed some stuff but damn it all Hon it makes me smell like a blasted rose and am all greased up like a gigolo. I don’t like it but it is all that I would appreciate some more of my favorite brand in the next package you send. Okay?
got some news that might prove interesting to you. According to an official
notice we received and the Command Post we are now allowed to reveal our
location here in
The place where I went hunting recently is a section of the jungles called the Sunderbans. Game of all types are to be found there as it is almost uninhabited by humans. Anyone who gets lost there is as good as dead ad far as the outside world is concerned.
you surmised we were formerly stationed on the outskirts of
Also the place is strictly G.I. A
saluting area, rigidly enforced by some of the rottenest M.P.’s it has even
been my misfortune to encounter. A few of them have been killed in what they
call the lawful pursuit of their duties and no one mourned their loss. Perhaps
one of these days they will catch wise. Hell sweetheart I shall have more to
tell you about
Don’t forget Hon that I worship you and always shall. This letter hasn’t been as affectionate as most Sunday letters but that doesn’t indicate any lessening in my feelings for you.
With all my love