February twenty eight

Dear Mom-

            It’s almost time for me to go on duty so I’ll drop a short note while I have the chance.  We’re quite busy and I’m a little tired tonight. I worried in the Operating Room last night. I’m back on the ward tonight and glad of it.

            Had a package from Bobbie Gregory tonight. A little book named “Dear Sir”. It’s a bunch of letters supposedly written by people to various government agencies. You remember the last I used to have. It was awfully nice of her to send it I thought.

            Please tell Ginny to write sometime. I’d like to hear from her once in a while. It’s been a long time since she’s written.

            Say hello to all the folks. I’ll try to write them when things get a little more quite. I’ll try to send some pictures soon.

            Goodnight- I’m thinking of you all at home all the time and hope it won’t be too long before I’ll be there once more.

