April 15th 1945 – Germany

Dear Mom-

            Here I am back at work again. We’ve taken over for another hospital and I’m working nights again – At present I’m sitting up with three brain cases that are not wholly conscious and are liable to get out of bed – We took them out of the regular ward as they moan and keep the other patients awake –

            Today was a busy day – making the exchange of cots, linen, blankets, etc and taking care of the patients at the same time. We’re pretty well set now however and all is well –

            Today is Ginnie’s birthday I wrote her a short note some time ago - Tell her to write to me sometime –

            I guess Gene’s leave is up and he is off to points unknown.  Gee I certainly hope he doesn’t have to go to the Pacific right away.  Hope he gets a break and is stationed in the states for a while.

I mailed you a package the other day with some odds and ends.  Nothing in particular – just some souvenirs – and a bunch of pictures.  Keep them for me please.

The deeper we move into Germany the more beautiful the countryside gets.  The bomb damage to factories, etc. is terrific.  I can’t see how they can last much longer.

I haven’t had a letter from you in days – hope everything is ok.  Please write as often as possible.  Mail means a lot.

So long for this time.

