May 18, 1945



Dear Mom –

            Just a line to say that I’m O.K.  I can now tell you that I am near Limburg, Germany, not far from Frankfort.  We’re on the German super highway, the Autobahn.

            I wrote the other night and asked you to write a letter for me.  After thinking it over I think it would be best if you sent it to me in with my letter and I’ll look it over and then pass it on.  You can put it in an envelope.  Address it but leave it unsealed.  Then put it in another larger envelope and send it to me.  I think it would be better this way, so do that.  Will you please?  Thanks a million.

            Tell Ginnie to write sometime.  Did I tell you that I heard from Henry Ferrell and he and Maxine are “infanticipating” in October?  Gee I won’t know the old bunch.

            Write soon and send that letter.  You know what to say.



