September 26, 1945

Dear Mom-

                        You must forgive me for not writing more often. This is the first place I’ve been over seas that I haven’t written you every few days, but there are so many diversions here it’s hard to sit down and write a letter.

            My studies are going along fine. I’m awfully glad I came down here. I really feel as if I got a lot out of it. Regular life in the army is not conductive to good intellectual habits and one begins to let things slid but here it’s different. The fellows, the teachers, the general atmosphere, everything is swell.

            The term will be over about the 15th of October, and sometime near then I’ll be rejoining my outfit. From what I hear we will be on the way home as a unit by November. I’ll probably hit it about right and be home for my birthday, Xmas and New Years - in fact I may even be a civilian. We’ll see how it works out.

            I guess I told you that Margy is on her way home. I’m glad for her sake for she wanted to be home with her folks, but I really miss her.

            I’ve been going with a little French girl down here. She was born in Spain but has been in France a longtime. She’s very nice to me and most helpful in helping me to learn the language. We have a good time together. Go dancing, to the movies, walking etc. I’m sending a couple of snapshots of her. Rather cute don’t you think? Tell Ginny “She’s a hog about me”

            How is your arm getting along? Hope it will soon be ok again. And the teeth - are you wearing them now?

            You wrote that Ginny had quit her job. I think under the circumstances that is best. I’m sorry that she is not well. Hope she can get some rest and perhaps find something that will not be too hard on her.

            I haven’t had any mail from you for a week now. Hope to hear tomorrow. I know it’s difficult for you to write with your arm broken even if you do use the typewriter- (you did a swell job on that other letter.) but write as often as you can- or get  Ginnnie to substitute.

            Be seeing you before too very long I hope.


                                                                                                            Jack -