October 25

Dear Mom,

            This is sort of a haphazard business, I’m trying on a Russian type writer and the letters are not all in the same place as on an American make.

            I’m now at Landau Germany but tomorrow I leave to join the 90 Division.  I am the last EM in the 47th.  I returned here last night to find everyone I know had left.  Ill catch up with some of them however when I leave tomorrow.  It won’t be to long now until I’m on my way home.  Write me now at this address:

            368 Regt.  90th Division

            A.P.O. 403

            Care Postmaster N.Y. N.Y.

Have you heard from Gene lately?  Hope he is O.K. and will soon be headed home.

            Had a letter from Aunt Kate waiting for me when I got here, also one from, Cheatham.  He’s a civilian now. 

Gee it’s going to seem funny to get back in the old duds again!  It can’t be too long now

            Guess Id better stop banging on this old thing and wait until I get too a real typewriter…  See you for Xmas,




P.S.  Take a look at these letters.

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