July 9, 1946

Dear Jack,

            I received the letter from you yesterday.  I have given it plenty of thought and don’t know whether to be sorry or glad.  I don’t know just how to take it.

            Jack do you honestly believe that everything is over between us?  Can you truthfully say so?

            Since you’ve been so honest, I will be also.  Let’s start with the “Dear John” letter.  I didn’t think you still cared for me when you were in Parris Island because I received a letter from a Peter Yost who said he got my address from you.  I figured you wouldn’t give my address to any one if you really cared for me.  So with all those doubts Frank came home, I told you I went out with him.  I was lonely and it was a habit to go with him.  That habit is gone because of you.  I don’t love Frank, I don’t believe I ever have.  I realized that about six months ago so since then I have gone out with other guys.

            When you came home last February, it was the worse days I ever put through.  I was afraid my very actions would give me away so consequently I tried to keep away from you.  When I saw you in school and in the Corner Restaurant I nearly gave way, I knew you were drinking and that knowledge alone nearly killed me.  I don’t want you to drink Jack, I never will.  You’re too nice of a guy to let such foolish notions as drinking fool you.  You should be too smart for any thing like that.  I remember the night you followed Frank, I also left him to come to you.  I felt awful especially to think you would ever get drunk.

            I first knew I loved you when we (scouts) went camping to DeWitt Lake and Jean, Janis and I decided to come home.  I was hurt that night and you were the only one who could make me feel better.

            Then you went overseas to China or rather Japan and I hadn’t seen you.  I thought I could forget you but it didn’t work.  Now I know how you feel, I guess it’s changed.

            Jack for goodness sake I’m willing to swallow my pride if there’s any chance at all, please do the same.  I want you to stop drinking, you can if you try!!

            I swear also by my Dutch ancestors that I shall never for a long time love or care for anyone as much as you if this letter still leaves you with a cold heart.  Jack everyone makes mistakes, I’ve made my one and only.  This letter is no mistake.

            I haven’t wrote to you in quite some time I know but I was afraid I’d make a fool out of myself.  Funny I don’t feel like a fool now.

            Jack write and let me know please where “I” stand.  The truth Jack, you can’t kid me even if you wrote to 5 girls that you loved them in Japanese.

            I’ve changed Jack, I guess I look at things differently but I know now.  If you don’t write I’ll understand:

As Ever,



P.S.  I’m willing to try Jack any suggestion you make.