
1 Aug 1945


Dear Mom.

Received your letter today. Also one from Polly. Thought it was time I drop you a line. 

Well, as you are, I have would again. I hope I finally get settled down.

It has been wonderful weather here the last few weeks.  Beginning to get a little bit cool.

I met a boy here from the state of Washington. He said he knew some Lewise’s out there.

Do you know what big town Uncle Dan lives near? Maybe this boy knows him.

Just saw a pretty good movie. Lauren Bacoll and Hump Bogart in “To have and to Have Not.”

            What kind of a dog is Nipper? Is he the Spaniard you were telling me about in one of your letters? Would like to see him.

            I havnt received the books yeat, but expect to any time now.

            Say- Is Cecil Bermham in the army now?  I thought he was too old.

            Yes. I got the package from Woodbury last Feb. This is quit a county around this section. Its not so hilly as where I was. I could use a bike here.  They are pretty hard to get though.

            I wrote Mrs Sarby a little a whill ago. Polly said she got it but lost my address so she couldn’t answer it.

            Well, guess I have rambled on long enough.

                                                                                    Love, John