No. 185 – Page Two
I was talking with Ham’s sister on the phone yesterday
and she asked me whether Ham had told me all about things that happened while
he was a prisoner. I said that he was only with me about twenty minutes because
he had to catch a train out to Port Washington, so all about it the next time
she saw me. She did say, however, that Ham was in a regular concentration camp,
including 1900 American prisoners of war. She said at first they used to shoot
them, but at the end they killed them with bayonets. The batch ham was in was
the next to be killed, but the British got there just in time.
I guess they must have been practically starved, because
Ham said all the bread they were given was a half a slice of sawdust bread a
I was talking with Eileen yesterday and one of her
brothers is back in the states. He phoned Massachusetts some place and said he would
be home in a few days. Of course, they’re so happy they don’t know what to do.
He’s the one who has been in England with the 8th Air Force. He’s
the head of a ground crew.
Most of the boys coming back from
overseas land over at Staten Island. Eileen says that all the people who
live near where the boats come in go down to welcome the boys. Eileen says that
right where the boys come off the boat they have a table about the size of a
ping pong table filled with Earth and planted with grass, and the table is
decorated with red, white, and blue. She said all the boys kiss the Earth when
they get off the boats, they’re so happy.
Eileen is also expecting one of her other brothers to
come home. He has been overseas a couple of years and he never had a furlough
before he went over, so they haven’t seen him in over three years. As a matter
of fact, they’ve never seen him since the day he went to be inducted. They’re
hoping he gets home before her other brother leaves.
As I told you in my other letter this week, I mailed your
blouse on Wednesday. I have another fruit cake and a half pound of walnut
tobacco ready to send and as soon as I get a couple of more things, I’ll mail
the package. I’ll let you know as soon as I have done so.
for now, Honey Lamb.
Let me know if
you want