Dec. 19, 1942

Sgt. A.C. Meredith 13032657

8th Fighter Control Sqdn.

8th Fighter Group A.P.O. 928

c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Cal.

Dear Mom, Dad & Marie,

            To Mom–Congratulations on your birthday. I wish I could have sent something nice but unfortunately that has been impossible.

            To Mom & Dad–belated Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. May you have many more and maybe I can be there for them all.

            To Marie–I almost forgot your birthday too, little one, but you will forgive me I hope, because I did finally remember.

            Well in just a few days it will be Christmas. As I think I said before, it does not seem much like the Christmas season, as here in the tropics it is plenty hot.

            The boys in the Group are practicing for a Christmas play which no doubt will be a scream. Some of them are natural born comics and can keep the fellows in stitches. It should be very good.

            I don’t think you will have to worry about me getting married this year or for maybe a few years yet. I have met some really nice girls in Australia but none that I could marry. One of them writes me and a short time ago she and her sister made some grand candy and sent it up to me, we correspond quite regularly and intend to continue when the war is over and I can come home. That will be the day!

            The box with all the good things has arrived and is almost finished as I could not wait until Christmas. Thanks a million for everything.

            How does Parker Street look now? By the time you read this, the job should be about finished. Will they put in curb stones and pave the street?

            I was very glad to hear that Aunt Bertha had at last received a letter from me. She and Sadie sent me a large can of sugar pop-corn & it was swell. I wrote and thanked her for it.

            I am extremely interested in Marie’s Anthology and would like to hear more about it.

            I have saved a little money, about $250.00 that I can buy bonds with. So when I do I guess the govt. will send them to you for me.

            I am always looking for snapshots of you all in all my mail. So whenever you can please send some out to me.

            I hope you are taking good care of my postcard collection as I have some swell additions. I can’t send them but will bring them with me. I hope to add lots more.

            If you have seen any pictures of Miss Virginia,” you might be interested to know that I knew her back in Fredericksburg and dated her several times. Her name is Charlotte Smith and she is a real nice girl.

            Maybe is Carroll is in this part of the world I will run across him. I sure would like to see someone I knew before the “army days.”

            In one of your letters you mentioned something about a red hat. I don’t think much of the idea. Just stay as sweet as sweet as you are and that will suit me fine.

            It was good news to know that Dad was feeling fine and getting good time in at work. “Hello Pop.” “Keep ‘em Rolling.”

            This letter has rambled on long enough and I must save something for next time, so I will close with,

            Love to all and best wishes for the Christmas season and Happy New Year,

                                                                        Your Son,



P.S. Hows about dropping me a line or two once in a while, Dad? Don’t make Mom do all the writing and tell Marie to write too.

