
Jan. 28, 1945


Hello Mom and Pop,

            How are you this Sunday morning? I am okay. We just got through eating breakfast and we had oranges. It has been a long time since we had any fresh oranges.

            I guess you have word from Paul by now that he moved from London to Paris. It kind of surprised me but he was there a long time. He has a nice setup where he is at. He got a good bed to sleep on and good chow to eat. It is too bad though that he had to leave Ann.

            Mom this paper I am writing on is some that Paul sent me from England. He sent me some more but I haven’t received it yet.

            How is the weather back home? I seen in the Stars and Stripes yesterday that you were suppose to get some more cold weather. Have you and Pop been out to Betty and Buds place lately? Or had the roads been too bad. How is everything out there?

            I got to go to Church yet this morning. It is about a ten minute walk over there. Mass is at ten-thirty. I can’t think of anything to say.

            Mom, how are you and Pop coming along with your card club? Have you had any better luck at winning any of those prizes? Have you heard any more about Paul Ethard? Grace said he was going to get six weeks training.

            How has everyone been getting along back home? I guess everyone back there thinks that I forgot how to write. My main trouble is that I can’t think of anything to say. Nothing much has been going on over here. I haven’t run into any more fellows that I knew back in the States.

            I picked up another cold and all I have been doing the last couple of days is coughing and blowing my nose. What I need is some cough drops.

            Mom how are you coming along with that chair? Are you catching up on your sleep? Yesterday afternoon we didn’t have nothing to do so I laid down and slept for about an hour. It was the first time I took a nap in the afternoon for a long time.

            Have you heard from Marie and family lately? How are they coming along? You know it will not be long before it will be Paul’s and Mary’s birthday again. Ash Wednesday falls on Paul’s birthday this year.

            Paul and I are a little closer together now that he moved to Paris. Boy it sure would be something if we could see each other over here. But that is a lot of wishful thinking.

            How is Pop coming along with his work? Tell Pop to take it easy. Did you get those packages that I sent you form Florence? I hope so.

            Well Mom I will close for now

                                                            Your son,
