[Location and date censored]


Dear Father,

            Last night I managed to get to town. I decided to spend my money on food. Accordingly I managed to find a little place where I got a broiled samolin steak, with potatoes then banana pie with coffee. The total cost was $70. After supper I decided to scout the Savings Bank. Of course they were closed! However I figure maybe when I got settled to open an account by mail. One of the banks was definitely a mutual because they used the Mutual symbol in their ad. The other one was questionable. However, I believe that you can relieve that doubt when you send me the names and addresses of the West Coast members of the Mutual Savings Bank association.

            The town is not too bad. It is a navy town as are most sea coast towns. I could not find the Harvard Club but managed to find the family of one of the boys in the class of 1942. If I had had more time I would have but a couple more of these names. It was the old story of take a name and then with a pocket full of nickles hit the telephone, it sometimes turns out well.

            The mail into this station has been pretty sad. In fact nothing has come through at all. I hope that I will eventually get my things cooking. In the meanwhile I am catching up on long owed stuff and a few new ones such as John Viblean who is in Italy. Address thanks to Mary Anna.

