July 17, 1944
Dearest Clara,
Well honey
I am going to bed in a jiffy but I will write this one. I have the other one
written, the Cpl. just had another mail call but I didn’t get any this time
either there were just a few, tomorrow should be the day I get more mail. It
sure is nice to have the sun shine, my clothes feel as nice. To put them on
dry, I know they will be good and dry when I get home, you will see that won’t
you dear. I want to get up pretty early in the morning so I can get shaved
before chow, I didn’t get it done this evening. It looks like pretty neat all
the guys are writing letters. Well dear I will close for this time, always
thinking of you and hope you are too. Write soon. Goodnight.
With all my love to my dear wife Clara,
Your husband Johnny