
August 5, 1944

Dearest Clara,

            I got your letter answered that I got to-day. It was [from] April 21, but [I was] sure glad to get it. I hope our mail catches up with us soon. I am fine honey; finally caught up with the outfit we were assigned too. This is a nice island, much better than Milne Bay, although [I] saw a few more that were much worse. I got my other letters mailed [that] I wrote to you on the ship up here, so I hope they get to you soon. I hope you are feeling alright dear, and be careful; I will honey, always. That’s what you wanted. I am sending three stamps in the air mail letter; I hope they are different than your others. Well honey, I’ll quit for the night. Write every day Good-night, and I’ll always do my best.

With All my Love and Kisses to my sweet Wife Clara, Your husband Johnny S.