Dec. 2, 1944
Phillipine Is.
Well honey, it is getting along towards
evening, and about all I can do is lay around and sit. I am feeling
considerable better than last night, I guess maybe it is the flu, as it worked
on me just as it did in Paris. You how that was honey, I wanted to go back to
my gen section, but the Dr. said that I’d better stay here until to-marrow.
I told you in one of the other letter’s
that I was alright, but I’ll have to take that back. I was feeling good until
after supper last night. But honey don’t worry as I’ll be okay in a few days.
Boy, would I like to have something to eat, soups + fruit juices don’t seem to
fill me up very well. I started a letter to Mother yesterday but didn’t get it
finished, and I was just about done with it too. I most generally wait to see
if I get another from you before I start your’s so I can write a long one to you
dear. The boys were supposed to bring my writing material and mail to me, but I
haven’t seen it yet. I feel plenty good now. Do be careful honey + I always
With All My Love +will for you. Write often. Kisses to mom and my darling wife
Husband Johnny