Richard E. Saxon

U.S.S. New Jersey

January 30, 1945



            I have had something on my mind for the last couple of days, so I’ll write this letter and let you in on it.

            Now don’t faint but here it is. Do you think you could get away from home for a while when I get back to the states? The reason I ask is; when I get back I am quite sure I will hit the west coast, and I don’t want to have to spend my leave on a train which I think you can understand. Besides we can have a lot more time together if you can come to me instead of me have to go away across country and leave way before my leave is up to get back in time. You said you didn’t want to get married yet, so there is not much use for me to go way over there except to see you. Now please don’t get any funny ideas because I mean absolutely nothing wrong by doing this. But what a time we could have. We could go to Hollywood, California together which is just a little ways, and a thousand other places together that you nor I have seen.      

            Its like this Honey. If I were to go to Phila [Philadelphia] to see you then I would have to go down to Florida to see my family, and its just too darn much trouble, expensive, and riding.

            Now don’t try to talk me into going right straight to Florida without seeing you because I won’t listen. I know all this sounds silly but if you will stop and think it’s the best thing to do. I will pay all you expenses and what not. I’ll tell you the truth Honey I am going to want to rest quite a while when I get back to the states and I darn can’t do it on a train. If you don’t want to come or can’t come then I will just spend my leave by myself. I hate to tell Mom that I am not coming home but I am going to have to tell her that I wont be home until I land on the east coast or get transferred over there. If your family needs the money you make and can’t do it without you because of the financial situation I would be more than glad to give them enough to get along on the while you are gone. All kidding aside Wanda if it can be arranged you can leave Mildred or your mother some money out of what you have now and you should still have enough to get to wherever I am. I will have enough money for us to get along on, and I will also see that no harm comes to you.

            So Darling, write and tell me what you think. Now don’t think I have gone crazy since I have been out here because I haven’t, not anyway yet.

            Before you answer this, think this thing over and over. I think you may see my point.

            Love always-


                        Richard E. Saxon Sm3/c

                        CS Div

Ps- Please do not say anything to anybody yet about this until I get your final decision and then I will tell Ethel, Mom and whoever else is concerned about my change of plans. Please do not say anything to Ethel or Mom about this. Let me.

Richard E. Saxon Sm 3/c CS Div