Wednesday 1800

Jan, 26th 1944

My dearest Maggie:

     You are probably home now. How are you feeling my dear? Is everything alright now? I guess it feels good to be home again.

     We had another beautiful day again up until now, it started to get cloudy. It is warm like spring, and one of [those] days that makes me very homesick and lonesome for you. It’s of those days that you want to be with your loved one. We have been having nice weather all week so far, but I think it is too good to be true. We are having a beautiful sunset now. Gee, but I wish I could be with you, or you with me. I have been doing a little figuring today, you know how much you and I make together, and if we couldn’t live on that, we will never be able to get alone. You and I make about $128 dollars a month, about $32 dollars a week. We should be able to get along and them some. You have to give your mother $20 dollars and the way it is now if I can come home once a month that is $10, well that would at least pay the rent. That’s what happens when you have spare time, my mind gets to thinking about things, I don’t know if they are good or bad. Remember when  I said we should wait until after the war to have a baby, and sometime I said something about saving money you used to say the present is important now the future. I thought the same before I married, but after thinking it over for days, I thought I would live and be happy while I could, and I took that chance and I was never sorry. Maybe we could save money and maybe we couldn’t by being apart. I have been giving it a lot of thought lately, but I always come out with the same answer. I would like you to give it some thought, and give me your honest opinion. You are not happy without me and you know it, and I feel exactly the same as you, maybe more lonesome. So tell me what you think.

     I wanted to start the letter off by telling you that I love you, but I was thinking about you being home and everything. I love you terribly much honey, it have been awful the last couple of days. Sometimes I get a streak and when it comes it’s awful, all I do is think of you, and how I would like to be in your arms.

    It was good to hear that the 2nd is gaining weight so nicely. I am proud of you honey. I am getting a little jealous of Rally. He has all the fun, playing with Martha and Mabel, you know they are my pride and joy, but goes for all of you. Are they any bigger than they were, or are they still the same? Give me some news about everything, and yourself in general.

     I haven’t done so much today again. I typed up a monthly report on equipment, which has to be in the last of the month, and I picked up a few things at the laundry. I would rather be kept busy, it gives my mind [] time to wonder, but then what could be better to thinking about than you. The 30th Division is getting ready to pull out very soon now, they are probably going to a P.O.E. but where, I don’t know. The 3532 Ord, Ca. is going also, and I believe they will be leaving by tomorrow. They have everything turned in, and ready to go. They camp will be empty soon again. (Happy day)

     I guess the Gardners are as proud, or glad as we are with they’re son. I guess they are coming along nicely. Jack got a little today and he said his wife got a card from you about the baby. How did you know the address? Did you pull a fast one on me?

     Gee I was so mad at myself on Sunday night, I lost my good shaving brush, the best one I have ever seen or had, I left it in the latrine on Saturday night after I shaved, and I didn’t know about it until I went to shave on Sunday night, I couldn’t find it nowhere, and I heard someone say they thrown one out and by the description, I guess it was mine. That’s not all I took my good hat to the cleaner and they lost it. It has been in over two weeks, I guess I will go up tonight again, maybe they will have on to fit me or something. Everything happens to me.

     Jack’s wife is nursing the baby too. The doctor said she should for at least six weeks, then put it on the bottle if she wished. They say when a baby nurses for a while it helps the mother, it helps her or draw up the womb. Is that correct?

     Hurry and get well honey, but do take it easy for a while, you just came out of the hospital, so keep yourself calm for a few weeks.

     Remember honey I am in love with you, and I will never walk out on you, and I guess you know that.

     I love you with all my HEART.
