Monday, 2030 [8:30pm]

February 14, 1944

My dearest Marguerite,

            I am not in a very good mood today. The way I feel today, it will be a cold day in July before I come home again. That bus I took out of Tiffin broke down and we had to change in Marion. I got in Columbus about 9:15, missed my connection and had to wait until 2:35 in the morning. I got into camp today at 11:30 so you can see why I am in a bad mood. I don’t think anyone missed me yet. Jack covered up for me, but I also got a letter from the bus dispatcher in Columbus, which will be some help if I need it, but I won’t show it unless they suspect something. This weekend I had the worst luck in my life for traveling, it makes me so damn mad.

            It was so good to be with you again, you are so good for me, and you make me so happy when I am with you. I hope I made you as happy as I was. I love you so much honey. I am awfully tired and sleepy, I guess I will go to bed soon now and dream of you.

            The baby is getting to look so good, keep up your good work mommie.

            I got a box from home today and it was very nice and a lot [of] good things, also some good fudge, and some of those good cookies.

            I keep getting the chills every time I think of your name. You are so good to make love to, and you can make so love so good. If love gets better as years go by like they have, you and I will have a wonderful time when we are 60.

            Write to me after and tell me how much you love me. I am going to bed now.

            Goodnight honey,

                        I love you,
