Thursday, 2030

Feb. 17, 1944

My dearest, Marguerite,

                I was starting to get worried about you, not hearing from you until today. I had two letters and a card from you today. Thank you so much.

                Thank you so much for the picture, I think that enlargement is very good of you and the baby. He looks so cute. I am awfully proud of them. It shouldn’t be long before you can have one made for that frame. Please send one to mother and dad if you have an extra one.

                I have been thinking of you today again, and I was very busy too. Today, Thursday and another salvage day. It seems every salvage gets bigger, but I turned it in right after dinner and will probably pick it up tomorrow.

                The 122nd will probably be leaving soon; they are going to a port of embarkation. They have most of their new clothing and other things.

                I saw a good show tonight, I went to the early show it was called the “Imposter” with Gene Gabin. It had no love, and only one women and she was only in about there a minute. Maybe that’s why it was good. No hiding it was good, see it if you get the chance.

                I am going to check over your budget.

                I am not in much of a mood for writing again tonight. I have one of those headaches all day again, but it will be gone by morning I hope.

Did you get over your walk all right. You shouldn’t walk so far at one time. Take a walk around the block every day when the weather gets better, it may help build you stronger and maybe lose some weight.

I have just been thinking of how happy you always make me I do love you so much, keep thinking of me.

                This is a messy letter; I hope to do better tomorrow.

                All my love,
