11:10 pm

March 8, 1944

Hello Honey:

            Here I am trying to write as I said I would. You are probably just about half the way back to camp no wand it seems almost as if you hadn’t been here. Tell me what kind of a trip back you had and what all happened. Did you see me when you left today? I looked for you but couldn’t see you.

            I went downtown and paid my bills and browsed around a little – didn’t get home until 5:45. I couldn’t because I knew you wouldn’t be here. When I did finally start out, it was in a raging snowstorm; couldn’t even see in front of me and I was nearly frozen. You know those paper weights full of now with the little girl in the center – you shake the ball and the little girl stands in the falling snow? Well, that’s how I felt coming home tonight. So cold and so lonely and you’re only one hour away. I do love you.

            The baby slept for awhile this evening. I didn’t get any results from his suppository; it kind of worries me. I carried him upstairs after he’d eaten and haven’t heard a peep out of him – as yet. I do hope he sleeps because I am awfully tired.

            Already I miss my C.Q. to take charge of boiling bottles and making the milk. Maybe I can get the army to lend you to me.

            In my travels today I saw the BLANK little electric grill to broil steaks, make toast and pancakes etc. on. I nearly put a dollar down – it was 4. Kidding aside though – it might be nice to have. Also they had sheets and pillow cases. Will you be able to get me about 4 pillow cases – just to use if I come? I’ll probably have to buy 4 sheets as army sheets are so small. Also saw footlockers, not as nice as mine but sufficient ($9.60). Is that cheap or not?

            Darling you did make me happy – even when I was angry. I guess I just miss understood your sadness for boredom. I’m sorry honey. Please forgive me.  I guess if you have to go, you have to, that’s all but don’t do anything foolish please for our sake. You’re worth much more than $10,000 to me. I was simply stunned last night when you said you had taken another physical. I think maybe there was something you didn’t tell me. If so – I’ll try to understand but I still hope you stay here.

            I don’t like to ask you not to write to certain people but I wish you wouldn’t. I’ll write every day if possible and I’ll try to keep cheerful, and I pray for you.

            Please don’t get drunk. I’m going to bed now and think of you as you asked me to.

            I’d write more but I simply can’t think.

            Goodnight honey.

                        All my love


P.S. I love you, honey, I love you.

P.S.S  writ e me some things and about you.