Tuesday Oct. 3, 1944

My dearest wife:

            At last I can breath again.  I have had a letter from you again today.  I was really worried, afraid something was wrong. Everything is alright now honey, take it from me.  I do love you honey and there is no end to it.  I am all yours and will be forever.

            I guess maybe I took the wrong opinion.  I thought you were on the impression that I was running around.  I can to this day say truthfully that I have never been out with anyone buy you since I me and fell in love with you.  I don’t know if I am different than other men or not but I just couldn’t touch another person because I love my wife too much to do a thing like that.  And I know you feel the same way about me.  I love you my sweet more than you’ll even know.  More than I could even put in writing, only seeing you now could prove to you how much love I have for you.  And I really mean it.

            Well honey we moved again today, but not to the place where I thought.  We moved all of one mile, one mile nearer to Gallitin, and I think we will be here for at least a week or maybe more.  That will suit me fine.  Its a lot of work packing up and moving all the time, and I guess you know how that is.  This place where we are now is somewhat better.  It is a little wooded area with tall trees.  It would make a good picnic grove.  I took another bath out of my helmet today, and washed out a couple pair of socks.  Now the only thing I have dirty is one set of underwear.  You probably won’t know me when you see me again.  I’ll be wearing my wife O.D.’s and there may be something new added.  I am cultivating some hair under my nose, and if it looks good I’ll leave it for you to see.  If I get the film in time, maybe just show you a picture of it.  One never known I may even look like “Clark”.  Its only about six days old now, but coming along nicely.

            There is a pretty good rumor out that they are going to close Campbell soon (maybe this month)  the captain even said so tonight.  He thinks we will go to Fort Jackson, S.C.  I do hope I get to see you before we leave.  If I don’t it may be a long time.  But I too have to see you soon.  Maybe you could come down for a week if I can’t get away.  That would be swell.  We will see what happens when we get back.

            I wish I could be with you to have my breakfast in bed.  Those were the days I’ll never forget.

            Now about the money.  I am saving, and saving all I can.  I know it was my idea to save and I have been living up to it.  I’ll turn over what I saved when I see you again, if we don’t meet I’ll send it to you in a money order.  I do intend to save more than ten a month so now I hope you can have some rest.  I didn’t want you to get two excited about it.  I guess I am the one that keeps secrets.

            I’ll try not to loose my temper again honey.  I guess it was silly of me.  My hear is always aching for you my dearest.

            Try to send the film or soon as you can.  I’ll appreciate it very much.

            I hope I answered your letter satisfactorily.  You must remember that I’ll always be in love with you my darling wife.  REMEMBER.

