I’m sure I didn’t spell your name
correctly but hope you’ll excuse me.
As you see we are now in Pa. but not
for long. Jack is at Camp Reynolds ready to leave for port this Friday I guess.
We had an apartment in Washington D.C. for almost 3 mos., and then took the
baby home and I came back with Jack.
How is your boy? I imagine he about
wears you out. Randy is really a “wild cat” but I wouldn’t want him any other
way. Jack tells me you are expecting another blessed event. That’s swell. I
hope you are feeling fine and Keep it up till it’s all over. We want another
one but since Jack is going over decided to wait.
Jack wrote Preston some time ago and
I don’t believe he has heard from him but he wants to know if you will send me
his address and I’ll send it on to Jack. Jack’ wants to keep in contact with
him. It’s hard to keep up with them they move around so much.
Take care of yourself and the baby
and we’ll appreciate it a lot if you send Preston’s address.
address is: As
Jack Gardner Betty
2028 Hendricks