
Nov. 14, 1944

My Dearest Wife,

            Oh how I love you again today. I miss you so darn much. More than I can ever tell. I think of you so much during the day. I hope everything is coming along alright with [the pregnancy]. I worry more about you having a baby this time than I did for the first one. I guess that just proves that I love you – more and more every day. You have to take good care of yourself, you have two of us behind you and you can’t let us down. Honey, I just wish I could give you a big kiss right now. What would I ever do without you?

            I was kept pretty busy today again as usual. I had three inspections this morning, and it wasn’t so bad. I think it looks pretty good. I have a few more things I would like to get rid of or hide some place. But I think things will come around alright. This afternoon I had 48 field jackets which I took the quartermaster to be day cleaned. There is a war department circular out which says the quartermaster will have jackets cleaned but when I got there they didn’t know what to do with them. I was running back and forth until they finally said I should turn them for salvage, so I did, now I can draw all new jackets. Some of the jackets were almost new, some for their first cleaning, so now you can see why this war is costing so much. You and I will pay dearly for this when the war is over. I’ll bet the taxes will be sky high. But as long as I can look at you again every day I wouldn’t care a bit.

            I guess I’ll be sending a lot of my extra things home soon. I won’t bother sending them to you because we’ll just have to move them again, at an extra expense.

            Do you know, honey, that at the end of this month I will have completed 3 ½ years in the army and two of them – very happy years.

            I am sending you another yank. I didn’t have time to get it sooner. This is the second one I didn’t have time to read maybe someday I’ll catch up.

            How [are] Mother and Dad? Tell them I was asking about them. I still haven’t found any field glasses. How is the baby’s cold? Any better? And how are you? I too hope it will be soon so I can have a look at her.

            I haven’t anymore to say tonight, but I’ll be seeing you again tomorrow, my sweet. I am all yours forever.

All my love,
