To Soldat (Soldier) Gerhard Seuthe

Prisoner of War Camp Carson





                                                                             Baberg, May, 13 1945


My loving Gerhard!

     Today I can once [again] write a letter to you.  God be thanked it still goes fine for us all.  All the war still has ended in Germany.  We will be together before very long.  It isn’t good, that we didn’t get any post from you and Gustav. You wrote the last one on October 26, 1944 and it reached us last March.  Gustav wrote his last letter on February 15, 1945 and it also reached us in March. He was in _____.  We don’t know, whether he could stay there until the end or whether he got away from there.  We can only give him and also you up to God.  He gives us power to wait for you.  At least we could write to you if still not yet Gustav.  His family is still fine. Both boys have enough to eat from what you can see [This letter must have included a photograph]. Claus is everywhere, if there is work then he learns very fast. He thinks about everything he hears. Gerhard has been able to walk since April and has to get everything.  I hope Dad is still fine. I hope you are also fine and that you will return to us sooner or later.  Dear loving Gerhard! Yesterday you had your birthday, the day after (Pfingsten).  Happy birthday and God will be with you in your new year.  His hand isn’t too short to help. He shows us all the happiness in that time and also forever.  There [Heaven] he will take every one of your dreams away from our eyes [and make them come true]. 

     Today, here in your home, there is lovely spring weather. That’s wonderful! The sun shines so warm in the last few days that even your favorite flowers are blooming. Apple and cherries are wonderfully blooming. Again I tell you: Everything is good here, but only with God’s help.  Many, many heartfelt greetings.

