July 23, 1947

Detroit, Michigan


Hello Polly-


            It’s me again, and [I’m] broke as usual.  Well I guess the vacation is over for me, it looks like I have to go to work and earn my money the honest way.

            It’s a no go for me.  I tried the Detroit race track, Northville trotting races, the bookie joints over in Canada, and the big time gambling joints in Toledo, Ohio.

            Every time I go to the crap game in Toledo I have to pick a cold table.  I get stuck from the beginning, [and] then I have to sweat to get even.

            I see some of the men and women [get] eight or ten passes and cash out from 500 to 1500 bucks, but not me.  Why, even at the race track I had tips right from the trainer [that] the horse would run second on break her leg.

            I used to watch for the big gamblers [to] bet 300 or more on a horse to win.  I would bet it to show and still I’d blow.

            I wonder how long it takes for a guy to get wise to himself.  Every time I go broke I sing the blues.  Well, anyway, I still got a good appetite, if not any sense.

            You know traveling around puts a dent in the bank roll, [with] train and bus fares, hotels at 2 bucks a night, etc, etc.  You know what I mean.

            Well Polly, close my account and send the money as soon as possible.  Also send my terminal leave bond.  Send it [by] general delivery [to the] main post office.

            Next week I [have] to get serious and find a job and quit fooling around.  Bye for now – best regards to all.

