May 14, 1946

                                                                                                            San Diego, Calif.

Dear Mom and Pop:

            I just received your letter this afternoon and made sure I would answer it right away.

            Well I made seaman 1/C the other day and that means 66 dollars a mo. now. I made an average of 83.6. This week I’m working down in the Personnel Office handling Service Records. It’s pretty hairy. I won’t be there long, because we’ll probably ship out about the middle of next week. I think I told you before that 39 of us were going up to Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay and from there probably catch a ship.

            I’m sorry that I had to ask for some money when things were so bad but when my 5 1/C pay starts I’ll be sending home some more. A good thing in a way I’m shipping overseas because that will be a better chance at some money.

            I had a letter from Don Hartman yesterday and the way it sounds he’s got a pretty good deal in the army. He’s supposed to be a secretary to the Commanding General of his division. He’s got a better deal than I got, but to tell you the truth I don’t think its going to last. I can’t kick though, being in the Navy. Things are pretty tough on the young fellows outside. The time is going pretty fast though. It’ll be a year I’m in the Navy. It just seems like it was last week I came home on “boat leave”. I hope the next 2 ½ years go as fast. I’m going to try hard to get 3rd class in four mo. With this raise they’re talking about I’ll really be able to send some money home. Well Mom I guess I’ll close this letter now. Don’t worry, and take care of yourself and Pop too. Don’t let anything upset you.

All my love,
