Dec 12-44
Dear Mom,
The shorts, camomile, and orange peel candy came yesterday. I am wearing a pair of the shorts now and they fit fine! You don’t know how thankful I am that I now have more so that I won’t have to wash every three of four days, and I can wear each pair no more then two days now. Please thank Grammy for the orange peel. I haven’t started to eat that which she sent for Christmas because I wanted to save the best of all my candy, etc. till last. But I just couldn’t resist temptation when this came, so I’ve had a few pieces and it certainly is up to her standards of good quality, in fact the very best.
Well Bob Sckerka, my buddy from Forrest Hills, and I
have been to
So Paul’s in San Diego now and be plans to be training there for a couple more months. Boy, he doesn’t know just how lucky he is. I’ll try to write him soon. Stay well- give my regards to all.
Your Loving son,