April 18, 1945
Dear Mom,
Gosh, you certainly did surprise me today. I got your Apr. 11 and 12 letters today and Grammy’s card for my birthday came the other day. God bless her. I’m getting to like her but I hate to be reminded how old I am getting – even though I’m too much aware of it anyhow.
Gosh, with all the joy in my heart knowing that at last you are all safe and sound on the farm. Somehow, I still can’t think of anything to say. The thinking machine is livid [and] beat out tonight. I’m sorry, Mom.
I wish I could write you a fine, cheerful, letter tonight – like I always do, but somehow it just isn’t in me tonight. It’s nothing woody. I’m in the best of spirit, but the old noggin is having a terrific battle with a lulu of a headache.
Please forgive me for closing so soon. My heart feels so many thoughts my mind can’t express.
Your Loving Son,