Dearest Mom,


            Well, I guess maybe your soldier now got all excited and acted a little hasty on that sober deal.  Maybe you had better not send the radio-player to the hospital.  You see she already has Eleanor’s radio down there.  Except, that doesn’t have the player.  I’m sorry.  I overlooked her loving Eleanor’s little radio, but you know how it is.  Just the same, I think it’s pretty rotten to have to stay in bed with nothing much to do.  But, be that as it may, she continues to insist that I don’t have the radio sent down there.  So I guess maybe we’d better not if she’s going to be like that!!

            I bought another watch from my buddy.  He wouldn’t have sold it if it hadn’t been for his being about $80 in the hold.  I’m going to keep the other watch Dad gave me and have it cleaned and overhauled to see if it will run right. 

            I had it cleaned and repaired once when it sopped and lost time so this time I thought I’ll have it done right and use another one.

            I hope you can get some warm weather soon.  Then, you can go swimming regularly.  Gosh, what can you do now for taking a bath.

            Here’s a little bit of gossip you should take with more than a grain of salt.  I got a “D” or 4F status on my last physical.  It was my 20/800 eyes, I think.  That “D” status may in some small way affect where I get shipped from here etc., but it all could be just a hoax and probably will be I the army has a military necessity for “D’s” in the pacific.  I can’t tell you any more, because I know no more than you do.  We can both think and hope what we want – but I’m prepared to try to take what comes and like it!!  Please give my love to all.


You loving son,

