July 1 – ‘45

Sunday Evening

Dear Mom,


            Your June 26th letter came this afternoon Mom, and I certainly am glad to hear from you. This one is such a nice long, interesting letter, too. I hope I can think of enough to write such a nice letter back to you.

            I am glad and pleased to know that you like my pictures. No, I have already sent Richard his – one of the small ones, I think – and a letter came thanking me just the other day. I had six small ones and three large ones made. If you like, I could have some colored ones made. But, there’s always the time element involved – and God only knows what’s coming off – no telling when either. Besides, my second Furlough in this Army is coming up the 23rd of this month – and they always cost puhlenty of money. I think I’ll get down to London this time. Then – spend the rest of the 7 days at some peaceful resort town in the lake district of [Windermere], north of the Liverpool about 50 miles. Or else – I may go up to the Isle of Man. But, I don’t care to go where there are too many G.I.’s. I want to [go] somewhere in the country and relax and forget this army and that back-breaking warehouse. Oh well, I might make corporal before I leave this so and so place. God only know it’s a matter of break and where you see it from a broad winded point. I could have it a lot worse, that’s for sure.

            Did I ever tell you that the fellows tell me I talk in my sleep? I don’t say more than a few words – but with this filthy Army language I don’t have to say more than a couple words. I wish I could get rid of that habit, but I guess whoever cares will have to tolerate it. Thank God I have nothing on my conscious.

            I think I’ll quit smoking again. I’ve “quit” sever times before, but now I think for sure it does affect my sinus – and as long as there is any doubt in my mind that it can increase my headaches, well there’s no sense in kidding myself!!

            So now you wonder who put me wise to that new hairstyle. Well, the fellows in the hut go so fed up with my crew cut or G.I. haircut that they hounded me into this new hairstyle. I am glad you like it. Now, if I can train it this way, without falling down in my eyes – well – it’s a great life.

            You certainly seem to be having quite a time with the heifers and the yellow kitten. I get a real kick out of your stories about them.

            I bet the old farmhouse will really look super special by the time I come home. You should have plenty of time anyhow. I hope it won’t be too much longer now. Gosh, being home will be an entirely different life – and I’m not just saying that to exercise my writing hand, either. I’ve surely go ever so much to be thankful for, haven’t we? I’d surely like to get home to appreciate it all - not too far away now though.

            Tell Grammy thanks for thinking of me with the orange peel, but I understand. Maybe there’s a war on, or something, huh!! Please give her my love and thanks just the same, won’t you!!

            I had to laugh when you said you might resort to fishing in the pond for meat. I realize how critical the meat situation must be – but please don’t get your hopes too high, but you know what a fisher “woman’s” luck can be. Now – you’ll probably go and make me eat those words – however best of luck Mom, and good fishing. I wish you could have a boat.

            I’ll write later.


                        Your loving son,
