

Dear Marge,

            I have been inside all day.  It really rained here today.  The officers are teaching us military discipline.  This card is one I had left from Columbus.  I can’t get any here now.  We are guaranteed for 14 days.  So long until tomorrow

                                                            Lots of Love,

                                                                        PVT. Thompson U.S.A.



Jan. 20, 1943  


Dearest Ralph,

            I got your letter today.  You didn’t talk like you liked it very well there.  I went to Harlem today.  Eliza and John was glad to see me.  I’m to go to work at Scotts store Monday.  I wrote you a big 8 page letter and sent it to Columbus.  I don’t suppose you got it.  It had some important papers in it so I had it registered.  It cost me 21¢ to send it so you know it was a big one.  Honey, if you need some money please tell me.  Why did you burn your picture.  That made me mad.  You knew I wanted one.  Well Ralph, I think of you often and miss you all the time.  As soon as I hear from you I’ll write you a big letter.  I have a lot of news.  I hope you learn to like it real well.  I wish I was with you but that’s impossible. (Write and tell me how much you like me.  I like to hear it.)                     

                                 Lots of Love,
