Friday Evening

At home


-1-                                                   Did you get

any valantines?


Dearest Honey,

            I received a letter today. It was short and sweet. I was glad to get it anyway.

            I have been sick all day. I didn’t go to work. I came sick Wed. night just after I had finished writing to you. I don’t know why but I have had the worse cramps I ever had. I’m going to try and work tomorrow because it is a busy day. Tomorrow is pay day again too.

            Well honeybunch, the check for the tires came yesterday. The check was for $4.80. That wasn’t so bad, was it? Tomorrow after I get paid I will have four checks to get cashed. If you were here we sure would go shopping, wouldn’t we.

            Irene _______ and Ida Mae _______ was in the store the other night, I think last night. They sure knew all the news around. Doris Hinshee ran off with a married man last week. No one knows where she is. I hope she never comes back because she never was any good. Irene got a diamond ring in the mail the other day. She also got a bracelet and necklace. Gertie was in the store too + she said she never was mad at me and she wanted me to come down.

            I went and played cards last night + won high prize.


It was a dish with a handle on it + some fancy hickie on it. I don’t know what your suppose to use it for. I ate supper with the preacher + then went + played cards. That was

nice wasn’t it? We had chicken supper. I was suppose to go to church tonight with Scotts

but I am writing to you instead. If I had worked today I would have went. 

            I can’t think of any news right now so I’ll tell you that I still love you and wish you were here. Honey it is so lonesome here without you. Honey I was weighed yesterday and I have lost more weight. I only weighed 99 lbs. on Scotts scales. I think it was a strain on me starting to work and I am still worrying a lot over you. Honey I try to think of it win the good way but its to hard to do. I try to think you’ll be home soon but again I know you’ll be gone a long time yet. I have run out of pills so I haven’t had any to take the last couple wks. I am going to get more some day. Honey you were so kind to me when you were here and now I don’t


even have anyone who I can tell my troubles to. I am so anxious to see you honey. I look at your picture often and wished many times it was real. If you would only send me a picture so I could see what you look like in your uniform I would feel a little better. Scott Markley had his taken at Columbus + sent it home already. I hope your hat isn’t like his. I hope yours has a beak on it if you know what I mean. I don’t like those that sit on the side of your head unless yours is like that. I like anything of yours and you know that.

            Honey I was thinking about writing Chet’s wife a nice letter. I thought maybe if they couldn’t get has to drive that her + I would come down by train or bus. Maybe she wouldn’t be interest so I’ll wait till later on + maybe she’ll write to me, I hope.

            I just traded pencils with Jackie. It is about the size of your little finger. Honey I don’t feel very well tonight so I’m not going to write much more. I’ll try and write a little more on another sheet. Maybe I’ll be like Naomi never know when to stop. Louise ______


said she got one of those screwy letter like I got. I haven’t seen Naomi lately and don’t want to.

            Jr. ________ enlisted in the Merchant Marines this week. I guess he is supposed to leave in a wk. or more.

            Mom + Dad are looking at a small farm down Dillory Rd. They haven’t heard from the owner yet. I’ll tell you more about it later on. Well honey I hope you don’t have to be on guard duty 24 hrs. because I wont hear from you so often. I’ll close now so I can get a good nights rest. Honey I miss you and love you. I’ll always be true to you honey so don’t worry any about me. Well honey we can’t be together so all I can do it send all my love to you by mail. You’re the sweetest person in this whole world and I’m waiting just for you. Honey when you come home I want to be the same and I’ll be what you want me to. I’m trying to be the same Marge as when you left me standing in front of the Court house. I’m running out of paper so be good and write often---

XXXXXX Your loving wife


P.S. – I hope you can read this scratching. My pencil needs sharpening. I tell you once more tonight I love you only. Marge.