Saturday Evening

February 5, 1944

Dearest Marge,

            Well Honey I’ll try and write a few lines tonight.  It’s pretty hard to write and not tell you anything that the censor won’t cut out.  This is the first letter I’ve written since last Wednesday.  There is a lot I could tell you but it wouldn’t be any use writing it cause you wouldn’t get it anyway.

            Did my watch ever get home?  I sent it and insured it for $40.00 so it should be O.K.  Did your mother ever find the package that was lost in the mail?  If she did tell her to keep it for a while.  Maybe I can use it later.

            Boy Honey this is a lonesome Saturday evening.  I went to the show but it wasn’t so hot.  Shows don’t interest me anymore.  I’d rather be home with the sweetest wife in the world.  Honey I can’t think of anything to write so Ill close tonight.



February 6, 1944


Well Marge Sunday was just another day.  We worked today and everything.

            Honey I haven’t heard from you for over a week now.  The last letter I got was on Saturday.  That’s over a week ago now.  Our mail has been coming here and I still haven’t heard from you.  Is something wrong?  I’ll probably get some mail tomorrow and maybe then I’ll hear from you.  I get pretty lonesome when I don’t hear from you.

            Have you been down home lately? I wondered if that box I sent ever got there. It probably has.

            Tell your mother I’ll catch up on my letter writing one of these days and write to her.

            I think I’ll close now.  I’ll wrote more tomorrow or as soon as I can.  I’m feeling swell as usual.

            Honey be good and I’ll be seeing you.  Don’t forget I love you and miss you more ever day I’m away from you.

                                                                        Yours forever,
